
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fate has sided with my grandmother...

My daughter, Lorelai, was born in September of last year and I decided not to stay at home with her. I was very lucky that my employer was able to facilitate her coming to work with me. I had the best of both worlds-my daughter being with me all day and being able to work full time also. I had everything-a loving husband willing to support me in my crazy workaholic ways, a daughter who slept through the night at 5 weeks old, a job where I could work full time and not pay for child care and a boss who let me work when I wanted and from home if need be so I could be with Lor for her appointments. Then it all came crashing down! The company I worked for decided to close its doors after 25+ years. For the first time in my life, I found myself without a way to fill my day. Once the laundry is done and the dinner is made, whats a workaholic to do when stuck at home? You can only reread your friends Facebook status' so many times while your daughter is napping before you go crazy. So here is my life. My grandmother wins-I'm a stay-at-home-mom. After 9 months while pregnant and 4 months while working with an infant, fate has stepped in. This will be a chronicle of my adventures as a stay at home mom and wife.

I'm ready to jump down the rabbit hole. Let the adventures in wonderland begin.


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