
Friday, January 4, 2013

If life is a highway, then that cop just caught me doing 90 in a 55

EEEKKK!! being a stay at home mom, I only have about 90 minutes to myself each day. The rest of the time, I'm waiting on Lorelai's every whim or making dinner or "patiently" (yeah right) waiting for the dryer to finish. Ever notice how it takes 20 minutes to wash clothes but it takes 3 hours to dry them!? but that's a rant for another post. That 90 minutes is the best time of my day! I don't have to acknowledged anyone else exists I can drift into my own quiet little world and pretend that no one relies on me to provide food or a clean environment. I can ignore the beeping dryer for just a little bit longer. I could get up earlier while Lorelai is still asleep but then I'd be tireder earlier and lose time in the evening with Brian, my husband. It's a give and take. I usually get up abut half an hour before Lorelai wakes up. Just enough time to make coffee and take a shower before she needs breakfast. This morning I was up dumduhduhduh about 45 minutes before Lorelai. That means I was able to get some stuff done. That also means I was going way faster then I should have so that I could get more stuff done. That usually leads to hurting myself. This time it lead to a quick shower, a quick batch of scones, a quick chapter read, a quick start of laundry and a very quick moment to drink my coffee...a a quick burning of skin when I spilled my coffee. Well it wouldn't be a day in my life without some kind of injury. It's more difficult to make scones with a baby in one arm. {shruggs} I had a bag of premade scone mix from my working days. you know the kind "add water and mix" kind of a cop out when I actually had time to make scones from scratch. ahhh it's the little things that make my day. I managed to have the scones out of the oven before I heard Lor on the baby monitor.

 Yes that cup is as big as it looks. I know I shouldn't drink that much coffee but I've never been able to give it up. I have started making my own creams. A few weeks ago we got a Soda Stream soda maker and instead of getting a bunch of the special made soda flavorings we got a bunch of those cream soda flavorings. You guys know the ones lots of glass bottles at the local coffee shop or cafe. Today I took some of the white chocolate raspberry coffee creme and mixed it with some of the blackberry syrup. It turned out good. very berry it went well with the cherry scones I made.
Ahh this is the life...and that's the baby crying...I'm on the move again!! Somebody stop me before this ends in a high speed chase...or a streatcher...


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. Good luck!

    Also, I had to say I really like your baby's name. It's very pretty :)

  2. I loved this blog a lot. I'm nowhere near close to being a mom (still in college), but this was still a lot of phone, you seem like a great an awesome person. A lot what I would like to be one day!

  3. Sounds like you've got your hands full. I have 2 daughters myself (3 months and 18 months). Have you thought about using child care? Even just a couple days of week to allow yourself to de-stress and recharge. The social interaction allows my daughters to grow and learn with their peers. Plus it give my wife and I time alone to get things done.

    If you are looking for money saving tips from a family of 4, follow my blog at:

  4. Cool blog, keep up the good work.

    Check out my music blog here:
